Monday, October 31, 2011


We kicked off game day with a Homecoming tailgate. Originally planned to be held at Lake Lorna Doone, we changed venues and set up at Barker's Park. Although it wasn't a huge turn out, we made the best of what we had. Everyone ate some good food, cracked a few jokes, got in a few pics, then headed over to the band room to prepare for the game. Once again, thank you to all alumni who came out to the tailgate and helped make it a great day. Shout out to MTA Miara Arnold, Tracey Gordon, and Jonathan Bridges, who grilled for us :-)


MTA Jonathan Aleem and Traci Wade-Bradford get a pic in at the tailgate

Group shot. Not sure everyone was ready lol

I was so proud of how the shirts came out. I asked Dominick to show off the shirt for me :-)

MTA Jonathan Aleem, Traci Wade-Bradford and Miara Arnold ready for the game. 
Poppin' 90s and all :-)

Stay tuned for part 3 of the Homecoming 2011 recap:
Game Day

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