Sunday, October 30, 2011


After months and months of planning, the stage was finally set for Homecoming 2011. MTA members, Traci Wade-Bradford, Bryan Tribue and I, planned a 2-day celebration and formed an alumni band that performed with the Marching Tigers. See how it all came together.

THE MEET & GREET (Wednesday, October 26, 2011)
The biggest part of Marching Tiger Alumni as a whole, is giving back and supporting Mr. Redding and the Marching Tigers. The first of our Homecoming festivities was a Meet & Greet pizza party that we hosted for the Marching Tigers. After practice, the band played a quick jam session then were fed good Domino's pizza and were given some nice candy and cookie treats to go along with it. A good time was had by all. Thank you Traci Wade-Bradford, band parents, and alumni for pulling it all together.


MTA Kristina White poses with Semaj outside of the band room before the Meet & Greet begins (Semaj's mom, MTA Stacey Ali, had his little trumpet with him. Yes, we start Marching Tigers off early lol)

MTA members Rod Z and Tracey Gordon catching up on good times and their band memories with the Marching Tigers

Marching Tigers bringing it in after practice

MTA Miara Arnold and Traci Wade-Bradford marching in with the band

Jam  Session

Meet & Greet: Time to feed the kids

Bonus photo: Homecoming 2011 parade
Earlier that day, Jones held it's annual Homecoming parade. I got a snapshot of MTA Jamia Hampton, Corey Johnson, Dominick Carter and Darren Thompson before the parade began.

Stay tuned for part 2 of the Homecoming 2011 recap: 
The Tailgate

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