Monday, October 31, 2011


We kicked off game day with a Homecoming tailgate. Originally planned to be held at Lake Lorna Doone, we changed venues and set up at Barker's Park. Although it wasn't a huge turn out, we made the best of what we had. Everyone ate some good food, cracked a few jokes, got in a few pics, then headed over to the band room to prepare for the game. Once again, thank you to all alumni who came out to the tailgate and helped make it a great day. Shout out to MTA Miara Arnold, Tracey Gordon, and Jonathan Bridges, who grilled for us :-)


MTA Jonathan Aleem and Traci Wade-Bradford get a pic in at the tailgate

Group shot. Not sure everyone was ready lol

I was so proud of how the shirts came out. I asked Dominick to show off the shirt for me :-)

MTA Jonathan Aleem, Traci Wade-Bradford and Miara Arnold ready for the game. 
Poppin' 90s and all :-)

Stay tuned for part 3 of the Homecoming 2011 recap:
Game Day

Sunday, October 30, 2011


After months and months of planning, the stage was finally set for Homecoming 2011. MTA members, Traci Wade-Bradford, Bryan Tribue and I, planned a 2-day celebration and formed an alumni band that performed with the Marching Tigers. See how it all came together.

THE MEET & GREET (Wednesday, October 26, 2011)
The biggest part of Marching Tiger Alumni as a whole, is giving back and supporting Mr. Redding and the Marching Tigers. The first of our Homecoming festivities was a Meet & Greet pizza party that we hosted for the Marching Tigers. After practice, the band played a quick jam session then were fed good Domino's pizza and were given some nice candy and cookie treats to go along with it. A good time was had by all. Thank you Traci Wade-Bradford, band parents, and alumni for pulling it all together.


MTA Kristina White poses with Semaj outside of the band room before the Meet & Greet begins (Semaj's mom, MTA Stacey Ali, had his little trumpet with him. Yes, we start Marching Tigers off early lol)

MTA members Rod Z and Tracey Gordon catching up on good times and their band memories with the Marching Tigers

Marching Tigers bringing it in after practice

MTA Miara Arnold and Traci Wade-Bradford marching in with the band

Jam  Session

Meet & Greet: Time to feed the kids

Bonus photo: Homecoming 2011 parade
Earlier that day, Jones held it's annual Homecoming parade. I got a snapshot of MTA Jamia Hampton, Corey Johnson, Dominick Carter and Darren Thompson before the parade began.

Stay tuned for part 2 of the Homecoming 2011 recap: 
The Tailgate

Friday, October 28, 2011


I will be posting a Homecoming 2011 recap really soon. Still recuperating lol.


Hello Marching Tiger Alumni Family,

Welcome to the bog. I'm getting things set up over here. There will be much more to come. In the mean time, join the blog so you can stay up to date on all things MTA :-) Be back with more :-)

In Marching Tiger Spirit,
Audrey D. Dawson
Majorette Alumnus
Class of 93