Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Hello MTA Family. Here are a few quick updates:

-You can still sign up to march and/or help coordinate the alumni band for Homecoming 2013. Inbox me if you are interested. 

-I'm working to get music packets for everyone who wants to march. 

-I'm waiting to get the date of Band Camp. As mentioned earlier, I would like the alumni band's practices to coincide with Band Camp, then we will make a schedule leading up to homecoming.

Next up:
-I'll be speaking with Mr. Redding about how we can help him and the band this year.

-MTA band dues will be put in place this year. I will update you once we determine how much dues will be.

-If you haven't signed up on our MTA roster, please go here: http://jhsmarchingtigeralumni.blogspot.com/p/alumni-contact-form.html

-The 2013 varsity football schedule should be out soon. I will post the homecoming date as soon as I get it.

Thank you again to everyone who has stepped up to volunteer. Thank you all for your continued support of MTA. 

In Marching Tiger Spirit,

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