Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Hello MTA family. The confirmed events for Homecoming 2012 are:
Monday, September 24, 2012- MTA and Marching Tiger Meet & Greet
Friday, September 28, 2012- Alumni Tailgate and Homecoming game

We are working on adding more events so please stay tuned.

Traci and I will need your assistance with both events. She is in charge of the Tailgate and I am in charge of the Meet & Greet. Please inbox either one of us, or write to jhsbandalum@yahoo.com if you would like to help with the Tailgate or the Meet & Greet.

Also, t-shirt information will be posted soon.

This information will be re-posted on our blog http://jhsmarchingtigeralumni.blogspot.com/

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