Wednesday, June 18, 2014

#KeepRufusRedding Update

The #KeepRufusRedding campaign has been placed on hold temporarily. We will update you as soon as we get the green light to move forward again. Thank you for your continued support.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Marching Tiger Alumni:
On June 4, 2014, Rufus Redding, III will be reassigned to another department at Jones High School and will no longer be head band director, a position he has held for over 25 years. While we respect Jones High School’s principal, Mrs. Valeria Maxwell, we do not agree with her decision to remove Mr. Redding from his position.
From our understanding Mr. Redding is being reassigned to another department and to a position that is completely out of his element. His training and specialty have always been music therefore that is where his heart and passion is. There has been no valid cause for the reassignment. While under the leadership of Mr. Redding, Jones High has repeatedly maintained superior and excellent ratings during MPA. This further details the dedication and commitment to our school, our children and our community.
Mr. Redding is not just a band director but a father figure to many, a mentor, a friend, a leader, and is very passionate about his role in the lives of his students.
This news has greatly affected Mr. Redding and he wants to remain head band director at Jones High School. We are simply asking Mrs. Maxwell to rethink her decision. Again, we respect her, but we believe that this is not the right decision.
If you would like to support our effort in helping Mr. Redding to keep his position, please sign the petition. We are working hard to show our utmost support to a leader that we believe deserves to uphold his position and leave under better circumstances and in good standing.